Monday, October 8, 2012

Random Rambling

So I get so many insights whenever I talk to people. Off late, I find myself constantly engaging in various forms of conversation with a plethora of people...and every time I speak to them I discover something new about myself...I just discovered the incredible amount of passion which brews inside me silently for my City of Joy, I discovered how my Love of Literature has not abated a bit, I discover that I am still encouraged by encouragement, how I still take criticism too seriously...which is a good thing, JUST THAT i CAN BE VERY HARSH ON myself and chide myself for mistakes...and then I was speaking to one of my best friends yesterday and she pointed out that I do a whole lot more soul-searching, away from home...this kind of deep introspection makes me feel very complete...and I understand the reasons behind things better...Moving on, i think the issue of confidence versus humility/modesty is still a raging debate in my to be assertive while remaining humble...t'is a thought worth exploring...On the end of books, I have had the privilege to engage in a number of perusals off late...from Coelho's The Alchemist, hich made a whole lot of sense to me, to an Agatha Christie, to a host of other snippets...I recently bought Murakami's Norwegian Wood....seems sublime so far...and I have been thinking about my old friends, all of whom are very dear to me indeed, a lot these days...and I miss home as usual, but parts of me are reaching out to this new land, just as it has reached out to me.

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