Thursday, September 20, 2012


In the midst of most of most flurried of days, I sit back and think. A few days ago my happiness knew no bounds...a few days later some sad occurences I am back to being all chirpy and happy...i had thought of so many things to write...I have so many incidents I would like to ponder on...some of which I would like to relish and cherish...and some of which I would want to discard from my mind forever...each day seems to be a new chapter...each of my days is so different from the other...I should be thankful for the excitement life offers me...I am thankful to be able to pray to a wonderful Higher Being every morning...I was so ambitious as a little some ways I still am...but now I can feel on my very pulses that the most desirable ambition, at least for me, is to build a life based on and centred around Love...this is what makes the most difference in any one's life...

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