Monday, March 2, 2015

A Season for Slowness

This is a season for a world inundated with the rigours of multi-tasking and the incredible expectation of performing exceptionally well in all tasks all at once being heaped upon our shoulders, there is reason for one to consciously decelerate and put pressure on our brakes to stall the hurtling vehicles which we have become.
Let us seek a season to pause, in full consciousness, to breathe in and out, in full awareness of the complex processes of respiration which we take for granted, to observe the vitality of each sensory perception, to let ourselves be still, to stall, to shed off the cloak of accumulated stress, to discard the garb of externalities, and gladly recoil inwards for a the hope that this physical detachment will lead to a mental cleansing and renewal...
Let us allow ideas to flow from one mind to the next, like a gently meandering river, not flooding, but seeping soothingly through the mind-scape, in a manner which is softly pleasing, and not stentorian...
Let us allow this river to ripple over the pebbles of thought which are embedded in our minds, like the rocks which adorn the river bed...and let the river cool and calm our thoughts, dissolve our prejudices and amplify our awareness through a calming ablution...
Let its waters spread like chamomile, lulling th pain, numbing the disappointments, not merely a temporary closure, but a sustained sense of ease, a calm which dawns slowly but gradually spreads its myriad rays across our hearts, stirring our depths about the possibilities of delving into broader perspectives, perhaps enabling us to fit the jigsaw of the bigger picture together

1 comment:

Amitabh Dey said...

Spirituality and Yoga Meditation is the only answer to all of these...