Tuesday, February 3, 2015


The days flee by me without a hint of a pause...well, that is not entirely true...in spite of the myriad events building up like blocks of lego around my life, constructing this walled-phase of my existence, I do find lulls which punctuate the onslaught of storms...and I feel as though I am caught in a strange state...one where the inertia of motion and the inertia associated with the realm of the static, coil around one another, like two particularly compatible snakes...no, not snakes, for the sake of a happier word, of streamers...
For not only are things going on at a break-neck speed around me, so are they occuring within me...thoughts keep competing with one another for shoulder space in my mind...the trials and tribulations of Everyday, the little joys which surpass the little sadnesses, the little wonders, like the lilt of a sudden twilight breeze which eclipse the little disappointments which will soon be renounced to the Kingdom Of All Things Forgotten, just as the reasons why one feels unreasonably upset will soon be banished to the Kingdom Where All Things Pale, in the light of the Bigger Picture, through the Realm of Heightened Perspective...
The other day I called one of my best friends on her day of inception...and the sound of her voice, travelling across telephonic waves (??) from across all those miles and miles, the assurance of her 'hello, DIYA,' the smile I imagined dancing at the corners of her mouth, the quiet belief we have in each other's companionship, all those rich yet silent memories we share carefully in the treasure box of our friendship...all served to unleash some latent emotion which had been hiding its face in my heart for a while...and I foundit hard to continue the conversation with her, through my veil of very badly timed tears...

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