Thursday, October 29, 2009

title? i was wondering...a recurrent past-time...about things in much rubbish happens in the name of "love and relationships" i see it all over, more so in the microcosm of my about some old fashioned, marshmallow flavoured romance? now i don't know what i mean by that...but sometimes a tiny part of me wishes that life was a little less complex(read:ulterior motive infested} and a little more, well,for the lack a better word, romantic. hmm. people fall in love so indiscriminately...and most often because they are, wayyyy to beat the monotony.
also some people write SUCH pretentious academic essays on blogs...
also some friends were just NOT worth glad that's least for the time being...and i thought things were going fine for once.
and i'm haaaaaaappy about several things as well!! life's good. great and delicious////ohh, and i never grow too old for books...they grow up with me...and i just discovered that Tagore and Beatrix Potter have some ideas in common.
and i still lurve beverly clearey...and for some random reason, the name Darla suddenly appeals to me...
ok, would the randomness of this post qualify for the stream of consciousness category?


M said... not really dear..but who gives a fig? It's a nice read any way XD

dryad said...

lol!! thankee!!

dryad said...

lol!! thankee!!