Sunday, November 1, 2009

statement of purpose

thst's what i'm supposed to be working on, the operative word being obvious. it's simplistic to assume that a 500 word essay can ever hope to contain the desultory ambitions of this confused being. sometimes i wish i could be engaged in activity that's more "hands-on"...not that scholars are remote analysts or distanced aesthetes. it's just that i'm still looking for a calling to respond to, and narrowing down my choices has ALWAYS been the hardest part, ever since i had to choose my subjects for my O levels. i sometimes can't help but feel that i am exceedingly different from most people my age...with the exception of some friends...was it my school, or my family or what? am i over-wary, are my foot steps too cautious? sometimes i read the blogs of others, and more often than not, they invariably strike me as more complex, deeper, their posts more evocative, somehow more experienced. but i have no's just so much easier being me...atleast for me...does the world in general has a prediliction for complexity, which is sometimes a synonym for pretension.
and it's not that i lie in a pearly sea shell...i've been through a vast number of hardships which life has intermittently belted out. but so what?


M said...

'sigh'....i do believe the difference lies in how people decide to react to this world. like right now, i am desperately wishing to come up with something profound and witty, but unfortunately what i want to express is too much for this feeble mind to put into words...the only thing that i am certain of is that it is better to be an idealist rather than a cynic.

Saravanan Mani said...

there are three parts to the SOP. "Statement", "of" and "purpose". You are right in saying that one may not wanna agree with reacting to all the three terms! i am serial! :P

dryad said...

@saravanan: lol
ooh, i made a grammatical typo# "have" should replace "have."