Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Off-late, I have been investing a lot of my emotions and a great deal of energy into teaching...pedagogy...the art and the science of teaching and do I transform all those years of education I received into 'good grades' for my students? How will my knowledge and the manner in which I transfer it convert itself into an alphabet of utmost importance on another's certificate...and that of course leads to the bigger, age ol question of whether education is really so quantifiable, methods of assessment and how best to guage learning... Besides which, life hasn't been a bed of rose petals, I've encountered the pricks of thorns, but the wounds didn't bleed as much as they infused me with some sort of unknown strength to persevere, to better myself, to bury any semblance of an individual ego into the soil of unimportance, and replace it with the bigger picture of commitment and service which I have set out to is when one learns to focus deeply on the intent of the action, the true motivation for one's work, does some modicum of peace prevail, despite certai humbling moments... A song by Tagore peforms an act of inspiration every time...and propels me forwards, through this tempest called life... "Ami marer shagor paari debo..." Tagore If i may atttempt a rough and rudimentary translation, or rather transcreation of this song perhaps... "I will cross the tempest-tossed and difficult sea, At the pace of an enraged storm, As this is the way in which I can encounter and overcome my fears... I will put my trust in Divine assurance, And ride on a broken sail, My boat will reach your secure port, Under the shade of your sheltering tree I know my way will be paved, By the One whose purpose I'm fulfilling, I only hope that I may untie myself From my native shore And traverse the journey with courage... For when my day comes to an end, I will bear the blood-stained flower Of my hard, hard days And lay it as an offering To convey my acts of service At Your feet."

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