Thursday, February 9, 2012



There are times when I feel a strange ache inside me. No, the doctor isn't required, at the moment. These are just growth pains. They are supposed to make us stronger, they are supposed to help us cope with the "BIG, BAD, WORLD." Why, wouldn't it just be easier if the world continued being big, and just stopped being's not an entirely absurd impossibility, if one comes to think of it...
I have often, no, repeatedly, told myself to steer clear of expecting anything from anyone...apart from those I love with every span of my soul, of course...expectations are of a different category with them. But, just in general, it is best to do and give without hoping for anything in return. And I am not talking about material returns at all. I mean, even in friendship, ONE should learn to GIVE love and affection, without hoping to be loved back in return. This is rare...friendship is usually premised on mutual fondness...this sounds difficult, and it is...but the lower one's expectations, the happier she/he will be....this is what I feel. And there are just days when one feels unloved, but everything is all sunshine and Plums the next day again...friends should give each other that space and respect. what else have I been up to? Well, reading L.M.Montgomery again. I think I will start crying, out of the sheer intensity of revisited and imagined emotions, (revisited because her books are always visiting my mind), if I ever do really go to Prince Edward Island. The trip will be a Holy Pilgrimage, consecrated to my Love for Literature, and my Devotion to the philosophy advocated in her books.

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