Friday, April 24, 2009


well, so i'm going through this immensely painful dental treatment!! gosh, why on earth was i endowed with unecessary wisdom? wisdom inevitably equals pain. nothing more. at least when it comes to teeth.

it is so inpossibly, so unbearably hot. i want to fly off to london. why london? i think it's four years of english. and i desperately wish to visit the Lake District, in an attempt to justify my incessant readings of Wordsworth over the past few days.
i'm a leetel bit tired of UNI...sometimes i wonder if my Department is more "conformist" than it would like to admit...there's this mainstream crowd, of which i'm hardly a part. but then again, who all comprise this crowd, which seems to keep changing, people slipping in and out. or maybe i don't make enough of an effort. i really don't want to be labelled cliquish though. i like making lotsa friends, despite being closer to a few. and there are many with whom i wish i shared a friendship.

and for the last time, why do people still go on about WHY i'm still single? to set the record straight, i'm still rather, well, old-fashioned and anachronistic. i just can't believe in experimental dating. well, yeah, any form of dating is always a sorta experiment, but i jusr don't think i've met Mr. Right-o yet. or maybe i don't know if i have. whatever. but rest assured, hopefully i won't celebrate eternal single-hood. hmm. i just need to meet someone who is worth sharing the perils of a relationship with. lol.

i seriously need to start thinking of what i want to do with/in life. academic? I.R.? author(i want!) sponsored globe -trekker{yes}...not!

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