Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I couldn't stop my thoughts from wandering through memory avenue...life tries to teach you many things...it's taught me not to indulge in nostalgic reminisces too often...it's a tough lesson, though. those moments i might have cherished the most, may have faded into insignificance for those who i spent them with. things which are apparantly insignificant fascinate me...but at times, the very people who i've built my memories with forget about the trysts of the past...like my friend ? who i used to be very close to...and spent lots of fun times with...but over the past 2 years we lost touch, and the even pleasant memories hurt more than please...we still talk occasionally, but its not the same...maybe that's one of the lessons an International School teaches you...people come and go...breaking the complacence of eternal friendship...but having said that, i'm lucky to have a multitude of friends scattered across the globe!
i suddenly remembered my first ever 0--Level exam...a Math. paper...the collective jitters, the nervous excitement, Mrs. Chatterjee's re-assuring face...and that was just the first of many, many more exams i've had to write since.
certain people have such weird conceptions of what a student of an International school SHOULD be like...and these are the very people who rally against stereotypes.


dryad said...

#ven the pleasant memories# typo

The Mad Girl said...

Doesn't it hurt like hell when you have to stop yourself from remembering stuff you'd have loved to cherish.But disillusionment is an necessary evil.take care darling.